plasmid-loaded MEV - AGS©2024

MEVs (microalgae extracellular vesicles)
to deliver Human Therapeutics, Vaccines and Gene Therapies.

We harness the potential of the billion-years old natural delivery machinery from microalgae to develop medicines for devastating human diseases.

plasmid-loaded MEV - AGS©2024

MEVs (microalgae extracellular vesicles)
to deliver Human Therapeutics, Vaccines and Gene Therapies.

We harness the potential of the billion-years old natural delivery machinery from microalgae to develop medicines for devastating human diseases.

SEM image of Chlorella vulgaris, a unicellular green microalgae, extruding extracellular vesicles (MEVs). - AGS©2024

MEVs are cell-derived lipid-bilayer nanoparticles that can carry bioactive molecules. They are secreted to the extracellular environment and naturally deliver their payload to surrounding cells thus modulating their physiology and genetics.

MEVs can be loaded and accommodate a large diversity of biologically active molecules, such as RNAs (mRNAs, siRNAs, dsRNAs...), DNAs (plasmids, oligos), peptides and proteins. Loaded MEVs protect and transport their payloads, and deliver them to the appropriate cellular compartments of the recipient cells, for proper expression and processing.

- AGS©2024

Ophthalmology, by drop instillation or by suprachoroidal injection. Discover our AGS-1010 Program for the treatment of ocular neovascularization (NV).

Oral vaccines.
- AGS©2024

Orally administered, MEVs reach the GALT (gut-associated lymphoid tissue) and the spleen, and trigger a IgA-rich immune response against antigenic payloads, making the MEVs suitable for mucosal vaccination.

CNS disorders.
- AGS©2024

CNS disorders. By intranasal administration, MEVs enter the olfactory neurons present at the nasal olfactory epithelium, and from there they travel throughout the entire olfactory tract to reach multiple specific regions of the brain, making them amenable for the treatments of degenerative, neurological, and cognitive disorders.

Bowel diseases.
- AGS©2024

Bowel diseases, by oral administration. Discover our AGS-2010 Program for the treatment of IBD (inflammatory bowel diseases).

Extracellular Vesicles from Microalgae (MEV)
to deliver Human Therapeutics and Vaccines.

Microalgae Extracellular Vesicles (MEVs)
to deliver Human Therapeutics and Vaccines.

Extracellular Vesicles from Microalgae (MEV)
as Delivery Systems for Human Therapeutics and Vaccines.

As an innovative Biopharmaceutical Company, we engineer the natural machinery of billion-years-old microalgae to develop novel therapeutics and novel vaccines.



technology, unleashed .
Extracellular Vesicles from Microalgae (MEV)
as Drug Delivery Systems for Human Therapeutics.

As a Biopharmaceutical Company, we engineer the billion-years-old natural machinery of microalgae to develop therapeutics delivered by microalgae extracellular vesicles (MEVs).

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AGS' Technology

AGS is a biotech company developing innovative biomedicines based on extracellular vesicles from microalgae (MEVs), a new kind of safe, targeted and highly versatile delivery system for therapeutic molecules from natural and synthetic biology designed to address a wide range of diseases.

Widespread use of innovative biologics -RNA, DNA, proteins, gene editing complexes, and gene expression plasmids - for the treatment of human diseases remains elusive due to the lack of an effective drug delivery system (DDS). The inability to deliver therapeutic doses to the right target in the body without affecting other organs or tissues or to overcome natural barriers – brain blood barrier or gut – has been a significant bottleneck in unleashing the power of the most advanced biologics as effective biomedicines for patients.

MEVs have the potential to be effective drug delivery vehicles thanks to their ability to pass through the body’s natural barriers, and to carry biologics to specific tissues avoiding the premature degradation or inactivation.

AGS Technology Platforms

With a strong IP position as well as an experienced and dedicated team onboard, AGS develops biomedicines using its proprietary technology platforms: from the biomolecule design, the microalgae cell engineering, to MEVs manufacturing at pre-industrial scale (AGS-M).

An organizing principle instigated by AGS Therapeutics' founders - informed by their transnational parcours and reflecting their collective vision, AGS Therapeutics consolidated a collaborative space aiming at coordinating the R&D in the field of MEVs-derived therapeutic solutions. From a local and transregional to a European and transatlantic network, this collaborative space allows its actors to respectively prosper as entities through the development of a common project.

MEV-mediated delivery and expression of GFP-mRNA in human endothelial cells. - AGS©2024

Confocal 3D images showing the penetration of pKH26-labelled MEVs into macrophages cells and nucleus. - AGS©2024

In vivo tracking of Dir-labelled MEVs in specific regions of the brain, after intranasal administration. - AGS©2024

Internalization of fluorescent-labelled MEVs by human endothelial cells. - AGS©2024

Internalization of PKH26-labelled MEVs by GALT cells following oral administration.  AGS©2024

MEVs-mediated delivery and expression of GFP-mRNA in human hepatocytes in vitro. - AGS©2024

Electron micrograph of a MEV. - AGS©2024

Light micrograph of Chlorella vulgaris, a unicellular green microalgae. Image by Stammers Sinclair - AGS©2024

Scientific Advisory Board

Researcher at IBENS - CNRS, Paris.
Executive VP, CSO, TRANSGENE, Strasbourg.
Director Research – Industrial Partnerships, CEA (1990 – 2014).
Director, ALGOSOLIS / GEPEA, Nantes.
Professor UCSD, San Diego.
Amanda LUND
Associate Professor, NYU, New York
AGS has originated a collaborative space aiming at boosting the field of MEV-derived solutions. This collaborative space allows its members to develop technologies, knowledge, and value and to prosper themselves through a joint work with AGS.



Job Openings

AGS Tx is expanding its team and actively seeking candidates for ten newly created positions.

Octobre 2024

December 9, 2023

Septembre 2024

October 30, 2023

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