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RNA Leaders Europe 2025
Basel, CH.
AGS will be presenting at the main conference, as well as co-hosting, together with Novo Nordisk, and Alnylam, a workshop on Targeted Delivery of mRNA.
Evry Courcouronnes, FR.
Empowering biologics delivery. - How does France unlock the biopharma of the future, from vaccines to gene-editing, bioprocessing, sustainability and beyond?
Groupe de travail dédié au développement économique de la filière microalgues
Le Cellier, FR.
Surmonter les verrous de l'accès au marché des microalgues : Revue des dynamiques des différents marchés applicatifs et acteurs territoriaux, partage d'expériences sur les enjeux de développement de chaque marché. Groupe de travail, dans les locaux de Synoxis Algae.
BIO Investor Forum 2024
San Francisco
Independent partnering event dedicated to showcasing drug development programs that are ready for partnering or venture funding, and accelerating the progress of new therapeutic technologies into commercialization. Two days of candid panel discussions on policy, business, financing, and R&D along with company presentations, and BIO One-on-One Partnering™ meetings.
Building momentum in mRNA
Paris and Brussels
| Seminar Series | September 24th, Comet Meetings - Louise, Brussels, Belgium. | Seminar Series | September 26th, Collège de France, Paris. | Building momentum in mRNA - From discovery through clinical trials and beyond
HealthTech Innovation Days 6
Platform for European life sciences stakeholders and industry leaders.
Conférence Thérapies innovantes et combinatoires 2024
Evry, France
Journée de conférences en 3 sessions, organisées par le Genopole, l'Université d’Evry Paris-Saclay et le LBEPS (Laboratoire de Biologie de l’Exercice pour la Performance et la Santé). Session 1 – Technologies innovantes d’encapsulation et de transport Session 2 – Technologies de ciblage thérapeutique Session 3 – Stratégies combinatoires d’optimisation thérapeutique AGS présentera les Vésicules extracellulaires de microalgues (MEV) : un système d’administration universel pour des thérapies et des vaccins innovants.
RNA Leaders 2024 Europe Congress
Basel, CH
Cell & Gene therapy continues to be one of fastest growing spaces in life sciences with RNA dominating a lot of innovations in genetic medicine. There are now over 800 RNA based therapeutics and vaccines already in early stage clinical development across mRNA, RNAi, antisense oligonucleotides and wider nucleic acids. AGS Therapeutics is delighted to be a Silver Sponsor for this 2024 event.
Vaccines Europe 2023
Berlin, Germany
Vaccines leaders, experts and distinguished scientists in Europe, delivering breakthrough research, technologies & connecting global pharma, biotech and academia, meet for high-level discussions on the latest innovations within the vaccines discovery, therapeutics & manufacturing.
Bio€quity Europe 2023
Dublin, Ireland
Partnerships and debates on critical issues facing the biotech industry today. Bio€quity Europe, 20 years of network gathering rendez-vous for CEOs and investors. This year's program is focused on how to create a new playbook for biotech success in Europe.
BIO-Europe Spring 2023
Basel, Switzerland
Europe’s springtime partnering event for the global life science community. 3 days in-person, March 20–22, 2023 - Basel, Switzerland | 3 days virtually, March 28–30, 2023 - Digital.
RNA Leaders 2023 Europe Congress
Basel, CH
Two full days focused on the last RNA developments: scientific, clinical and commercial development of RNA therapeutics and vaccines.
2023 BIO CEO & Investor Conference
New York, NY, USA
25th year of the program, fueling the biotech industry as a premier event for C-Suite leaders and the investor and banking communities, focused on established and emerging publicly traded and select private biotech companies.
6TH I4ID 2022 | Immunotherapies & Innovations for Infectious Diseases Congress
Lyon, FR
Development of innovative strategies against infectious diseases in a multidisciplinary approach.
COST Action CA20110 | European Cooperation in Science and Technology
Palermo, IT
RNA communication across kingdoms: new mechanisms and strategies in pathogen control (exRNA-PATH).
7th Bioproduction Congress
Lyon, FR
Biomanufacturing in the biopharmaceutical production sector.
BIOREGATE | European Regenerative Medecine Forum
Louvain-la-Neuve, BE
Regenerative Medecine: Cell therapy, biomaterials and tissue engineering.